And a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to GRANDPA R! He had a Bday last week. Hear he hasn't gotten the cards I forced the kids to make before school. We'll make new ones. I won't try and remember your address from (sleep deprived) memory. I wonder if I mailed the Blockbuster movie to you we can't find? Great,...
Kid musings -
Jared has been sleeping in late, which gives me the opportunity to throw the 2 year old in his room and close the door in order to wake him up. (MUCH more annoying than splashing cold water on some one who's asleep, I can assure you of that). He asked me the other day why he has been sleeping in late. Then his eyes got wide in realization and he groaned: "Oh noooo! I'm becoming a teen ager!" He is almost 12. The boys treat teendom as if its some sort of real life invasion of the body snatchers. Ha.
Packing lunch is making me tear my hair out already because no one wants to eat anything, and I'm sorry if Johnny's mommy brings him Weinershnitzel every day for lunch. I guess I just don't love you as much as that. So sorry. Jared was making cheese and crackers, but then told me he didn't like it anymore because the crackers 'do the worm' by lunch time. I guess packing cheese and then the crackers seperately is just too much effort.
The boys saw a Yo Gabba Gabba show with Tony Hawk on it, so now they are in that uncomfortable place of wondering if Yo Gabba Gabba can really be that cool,.. so now do they have to stop making fun of it???

Sophie has popped another tooth so she's awful again at night. She is now nine months old and thinks she's just too dang old for baby food. So pedestrian to have your food strained, you know.
I'm sure I was going to write something else, but I hear the feral child upstairs and must run. Happy Friday!
School lunches, argggghh. There is just nothing satisfying about that! My mom quit making them when I was in about 4th grade and declared it our job. I wonder if that is Kosher to do to a first grader!
I'm at least making them tell me what to put in. They just aren't sneaky enough to throw the food away that they didn't eat. I think it's time the 3rd grader started. The 6th grader has been packing lunches since 5th grade. It would have been sooner, but we were homeschooling and I could dictate what went across their lips.
I have some lunch complaints around here too. Luckily, I have had my kids start making their lunches in first grade so they either find something they like and eat it or they are just hungry at school. LOL.
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