So this little 16 lb. bundle has been keeping me a little busy for the last two days. Meet Miles, the latest addition to our ever growing 'litter.' He is great. HE sleeps through the night (Sophia, are you listening???) HE goes poop every day without a whimper in the right spot. (B, are you there???)
The girls and I drove to Laguna Hills just to 'look' - you know how that goes - on Monday. Coastal German Shepherd Rescue knows us and still seems to think we are decent human beings, so they decided we could go ahead and take him that day, instead of waiting until he reached 8 weeks, which would have been Thursday, anyway. He was born on Aug 28 - the same day as Hubby and my anniversary. How sweet - we can share a bottle of Champagne and a slice fo cheese with candles in it for the years to come!
The foster dog Jane wasn't really too excited with him, but she's warming up. The boys are over the moon.
So, I'm settling in. The migraine's gone for the most part - I'm handling my new stress level of having to look after two babies constantly throughout the day.
You know when you are a real adult when you look at your calendar and sigh in relief that there is indeed ONE MORE weekend before the holiday. Whew. We did get the costumes all figured out, but we have yet to obtain or carve any pumpkins.
We are winding down the football season - and gearing up for basketball. Last weekend was wonderful and traumatic all at the same time - Saturday we had one game more than an hour away, Zach had basketball tryouts, Rob had to watch the tryouts, Zach had a birthday party to attend, and we had to get to the new Church for the dedication ceremony/Mass at 3:30. We made it! Three hours of Churchiness later, we went to the big Italian dinner hosted by the Parish. It was very awesome. We were honored to carry the gifts to the altar with another family and the boys from both families carried flowers up. They did it without a hitch (I had sweaty visions of Zach at preschool graduation as he processed down the aisle in his cap and gown. He got half way put his little five year old hands in the air in the shape of two 'L's and screamed 'ROCK ON LOSERS!' I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried. Trust me.)
Sunday Hubby served breakfast after one of the Masses, Kyle had a baseball game and we had a few families come over for a little get together - one family lives in Las Vegas and came over for the dedication Mass and to visit long lost California friends. It was really fun, but I was EXHAUSTED by the end of the weekend and actually looking forward to a more routine and orderly week.
This weekend? Two football games, the Trunk or Treat at Church. Baseball and more basketball tryouts on Sunday, including for Jared. Maybe score a pumpkin at the pumpkin patch. Perhaps sneak to Walmart, toss the cheap pumpkins on the lawn and exclaim that the Halloween fairy has smiled upon us. We'll see.
What can't I wait for? When someone asks me how my weekend was, I'll actually be able to respond with 'Very relaxing,...'
p.s. Mom, I love you very much and I PROMISE to call you soon!
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