Yep, it's true. I simply can not believe she is ten months old! Only a while longer and she won't be an infant any longer.
* I think we've outgrown the GERD issue. Thank God. She's been off her medication for about a week now with no spit ups, no ultra fussiness,.. yay.
*She can do a 'dead leg' crawl, but prefers to army crawl everywhere. And she's quick. A lot quicker than you'd think.
*She plays peek-a-boo by covering her,.. ears.
*She loves, loves, loves music and will start to bop up and down, clap and squeal
*She loves, loves, loves Yo Gabba Gabba
* She can pull herself up to a standing position!
*Also she can go from laying to sitting, obviously
*She is great in her bassinet - the first kid to acutally play in it and have fun doing so
*She loves toys. Probably more than any other baby I've had
*She isn't excited to eat much baby food. She's way too sophisticated for that.
Happy Birthday little girl!
Look at her smile! Adorable.
Happy 10 months!
Oh my gosh! She is getting so big. Before you know it she will be one! Time flies by way to fast!
Happy 10 months Sophia!!!
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