Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Et tu, Universe?


I am still without a refrigerator. After many hours and a crick in my neck I have come to these conclusions:
1. There is NO CUSTOMER SERVICE in the world.
2. Sears, and subsequently Home Depot both suck and no one should ever shop there again.
3. Once a company gets your money, they could care less about your well being.
4. I lived more comfortably in war torn, tsunami wrecked Indonesia for a year than I am right now in the middle of American luxury, trying to feed my five kids from a cooler and 40 pounds of ice.
5. I don't turn to exercise in times of stress, instead I turn to frosted Valentine's Day cookies and Starbucks. Lots of Starbucks.
6. The thing that hurts the most? The Candy Cane icecream I found on sale (my FAVORITE!) and subsequently horded became a puddle of weird looking peppermint smelling foam. Guess I shouldn't have been eating it anyway.

The compressor is 'back ordered' and no one in the UNIVERSE can really tell me when it will be available. We even took the sneaky approach and tried to order it ourselves. No go. We found out that indeed the fridge is covered by warantee and that skanky Sears sold me an extended warantee I don't need. We got that money back. But we also found out that no one else in the UNIVERSE will touch a waranteed project.

So we are going to Red Robin for dinner tonight.

Home Depot? Well, it took three, yes count them, three vanity/sinc combos until we got one that wasn't broken. Subsequently we ordered blinds for the upstairs NOT from Home Depot. Hubby is now instructed to shop at Lowe's.

As if I could handle more irritating stuff, I took Sophia in for her 2 month appointment. Got there early and filled out paper work. That was at 10:22. At 11:10, I asked the receptionist when I'd be getting in, since I had to leave to pick up a kid at 11:30. She came back from talking to the nurse and told me I wouldn't make it. SOOO, I filled out the complaint card and got the number for the new clinic closer to my house. Called and got Sophie in next Wednesday. Thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and get Sabrina in there as well. Next available appointment? April.

I told the receptionist my dismay with the whole of Beaver Clinic and was astonished to have some secret appointment maker call me back and get both my girls in at the same time next Wednesday AND offer to transfer my paperwork so I wouldn't have to fill out forms AGAIN..

Finally. Maybe the beginning of a new day.

1 comment:

Baby-Mama Runner said...

Please tell me you have a fridge my now....That is just appalling!