From my family to yours. (And yes, that's a rat's butt in the picture. I'd of changed it, but somehow, it just seems so darned appropriate.)
Hope you all are having a great one. I got a great breakfast cooked for me, and then the icing on the cake - a cleaned up kitchen that happened magically while I showered. Then to Mass, where once again, I did not transcend my usual prayer after communion of 'Please God, don't let me kill my offspring before the closing hymn." Someday I'll rise above and ask for peace in the world, and to feed the hungry masses, but for now, I just want to make it through. I'm sure you can relate.
I was hoping beyond hope that today would be a little 'eye of the hurricane' in my life of bodily injury, but alas, I did not post early enough. Let me map it out for you:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - BASEBALL!
Thursday - a night at home,.. no, wait,.. Jared sprained his knee by JUST STANDING AROUND and hubby had to take him to the urgent care for appropriate X-rays and bandaging. Home by 10:30pm.
Friday - BASEBALL! But before that, the dog attempts to eat the night's baseball player's rat. I am too old for this excitement, it took about four hours for my heart to stop trying to beat out of my chest. I think that was a better aerobic activity for me than actually going to the gym. Rat was unscathed, little boy's tears were wiped away and he was deposited on his bike to ride down to his game.
Saturday - Rat bites boy's lip. Blood and screams all over the house. Boy is fine. Boy is lectured not to kiss rat. Hubby asks boy what he'll do when girls start to kiss him, since he has such scrumptous lips, obviously. Boy looks a little green.
Sunday - 11 year old hit in the eyeball by a hard baseball while playing pickle with his brothers. Hubby tells me this is just the beginnings, so I'd better get a stronger heart.
I'd post pictures, but I think I'd loose my 'G' rating on the blog, what with all the carnage.
Happy Mother's Day!
I can only imagine what it was like for your blonde little family in a place like Banda. Wow. You all are one good looking bunch! Any itch to run off to Myanmar or China to rebuild? Just kidding!!!!!
Ha! Actually the thought did cross my mind,.. for a brief millisecond,... I'll wait til the kids are older. Or go somewhere to be pampered on a business class airline seat and not quite so 'live by the seat of your pants' Right now I am really enjoying the US of A. Even in an election year.
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